
Mauser gewehr 98 serial numbers
Mauser gewehr 98 serial numbers

mauser gewehr 98 serial numbers mauser gewehr 98 serial numbers

(It is very easy to misread certain letters.) We are after serial numbers most especially- as the suffix is especially important I would like to “see” the suffix if there is any doubt to what it might be. Many times a rifle will have a altered receiver (SS service, some reworks have forced match numbers, sometimes foreign service will renumber the rifle) and these unfortunately can’t help. This an attempt to “develop” a database of observed Imperial German rifles, this would include Weimar reworked rifles, rifles that served in other countries (Spain & Turkey) & even sporterized rifles- the only thing that is required is the maker markings & serial number must be “original” to the rifle. Posted - : 4:05:10 PM Show Profile Email Poster Visit graf's Homepage Edit Topic Send graf a Private Message Reply with Quote View user's IP address Delete Topic To all fans of the "Gewehr98 Research" thread, I am doing my best to at least get the information here, photos may not move but at least we will have the information.

Mauser gewehr 98 serial numbers