(It is very easy to misread certain letters.) We are after serial numbers most especially- as the suffix is especially important I would like to “see” the suffix if there is any doubt to what it might be. Many times a rifle will have a altered receiver (SS service, some reworks have forced match numbers, sometimes foreign service will renumber the rifle) and these unfortunately can’t help. This an attempt to “develop” a database of observed Imperial German rifles, this would include Weimar reworked rifles, rifles that served in other countries (Spain & Turkey) & even sporterized rifles- the only thing that is required is the maker markings & serial number must be “original” to the rifle. Posted - : 4:05:10 PM Show Profile Email Poster Visit graf's Homepage Edit Topic Send graf a Private Message Reply with Quote View user's IP address Delete Topic To all fans of the "Gewehr98 Research" thread, I am doing my best to at least get the information here, photos may not move but at least we will have the information.